Thursday, November 1, 2007

This Sunday

Hey guys. It certainly feels like it's been a long time since we got together. I was thinking that instead of playing this Sunday, we should have a painting day. If we all get together and start painting things, then maybe it will inspire us to get our armies finished. I've been kinda bumming because it seems like every time we get together no one (including myself, for the most part) has made any real headway in getting our army done. So hopefully this will turn things around. Make sure your guys are all primed and ready to be painted, bring your army books for inspiration and we'll all have a great time.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Sorry I can't make it. I would really love to have a painting day too. It's hard for me to find time during the week to just sit down and do it.

Oh, by the way, get ready to all be crushed by the DWARFS OF THE EASTERN MOUNTAINS!