Friday, November 16, 2007

News For Sunday, 11/16/07

Hey everyone. This has been a great week for the start of our campaign. I think everyone agrees that Scott and Shawns' battle reports were totally awesome. I hope mine gets the same reviews. We will be playing at Scott's house on Sunday at 1:30pm. He says it's really cold, so if anyone has a space heater they can bring that would be great. We're going to finish up Round 1, then start Round 2 and hopefully at least get through the battles. If you need directions to Scott's place, give him a phone call. 315-256-6789. Hope to see you all there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a space heater that I can bring. I also have that pink foam insulation for making terrain. I'll bring that too. I just need an address and I'll be able to get there ok.