Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Darkness Rising...

Inspired by Randy's post, I decided to throw up (BAAAARF! 'Not in here, you won't.') some pictures of the fiends I'm working on to pit against your guys' armies.

For Scott and his stalwart Dwarfs, the forward patrol of a vast Night Goblin horde-Randy's noble Wood Elves will be facing a mutated Beast herd, devoted to the dark god of change Barack Obama Tzeentch-The Warriors of Chaos under Shaun's command will be facing ghouls, the twisted undead minions that scour the battlefield after the armies are spent, feasting on the dead and wounded alike -I hate to be giving hints away before the battles, but I thought just a taste might whet your appetite for conquest! Shaun, Scooter, please feel free to post some pictures of your own warbands when you get the chance... which for you, Scott, should be as soon as you get up. And Shaun, you do it when you get home from work, I know you'll just be playing Xbox Live anyway.

1 comment:

RandyP said...

Oh man. Good thing it doesn't help in the game to have cool-looking models (aside from the psychological aspect), because those are sweet! I definitely need to get my dudes a-ready.