Monday, February 4, 2008

Friday, February 8th

Alrighty, I'm just letting everyone know that we should be on for Friday at 4:10-ish. Unless Shawn gives me a call and tells me we can't go to his house. I'm super excited about finally finishing Turn 1, as we've been on it for about 4 weeks now. Ryan, your turn better be the most amazing piece of tactical acumen that has ever graced a tabletop. Oh, and I hope your trebuchet doesn't misfire...

In Warhammer news, a lot of the bits have been done away with, so that big book I had around is now pretty much useless. They will be doing small bits packs instead of selling the things individually to save money. A bunch of new Collector's Range models came out this month, but nothing for any of your guys' armies. You will, however, bee seeing the Goblin Warboss on Gigantic Spider on the table soon... BWA HA HA!

Also, the new Daemon army will be released soon, along with a bunch of cool new minis. So Shawn might be getting his hands on some of those guys.

I hope everyone has had a little time to work on their armies... I've been throwing some paint on the inn, but it's not complete yet. Anyway, I hope we can all get together and play on Friday, I've missed all the bloodshed! Let me know if there are any other problems.


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