Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Next Meeting

Hey guys, I know that Sunday is not going to work for Scott this weekend, so I was thinking that maybe we could get together Monday for our Winter Phase. Just let me know if and when Monday we could get together, or when another better time would be. I'm assuming we're all raring to go... I haven't smashed up some 'umies or stunties in a good while!! Plus, I have 5 Empire Points to spend. *w00t w00t, raise the roof* Let me know, fellas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monday is fine for me as long as its somewhat early(11 or noonish). Because its our winter phase and no one can challenge, are we planning on actually doing any battles? We could play through to the spring phase. either way, I do have plans later that evening @ about 5.