Monday, October 1, 2007

Good Sunday and Great Find!

So, Ryan, Shawn and myself had a great time this Sunday. Shawn managed his first victory (minus his giant, of course) against Ryan's Bretonnians in a close game. Ryan has a bunch of pictures I'm hoping he'll post, with some cool captions!

Also, I found an AMAZING website that allows you to make army lists for FREE on the Internet! From there, you can print it out and easily make changes, so how much something costs, fiddle around with points values and much more. Check it out at:

And remember for this Sunday, make a 500 point list, still using the Warband rules, and have at least 200 of it painted!

**EDIT: The website has the old army lists on it. I just fooled around with the Orcs and Goblins one and saw how they had different points values. Tomb Kings, Bretonnians, and Chaos should still be the same, but Scott, Josh (if he ever plays), and myself will not be able to use this program. Suck it up!

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