Saturday, August 29, 2009

I actually put together some models!

So last night I finally had a chance to put together a few Glade Guard models. I'll post some pictures below of the one I'm most proud of. All in all, it was a pretty good experience. It took me a few hours to only get three done, but I was watching MacGuyver (what a ridiculous show - in a good way), and was being very meticulous. The hardest part was trimming the excess plastic off where the two mold halves meet. I didn't want it to have the lines, but I didn't want to overdo the job either. I think next time around (tonight?) I'll hopefully move a lot more quickly.

The models:
So the first two guys were basically just - take a pair of legs, a torso with arms and a head and put them together. Nothing too crazy. It got me used to the concept of whittling down the connection point so they'd (mostly) fit together. It sure can be tough to get the bottom of a torso good and flat...

On the third model I decided I'd go for some creativity. I ended up cutting off both of the arms of a torso, replacing one of the arms and re-positioning the other. He has a "scout" head, but he's in a bit of a charging position with sword out front and hist bow arm outstretched at the side. Having not played the game yet, much less with Glade Guard vs. Scouts, I'm not sure what position he'll have. In any case, I think he looks menacing and a bit ninja-like. Come to think of it, Wood Elves do seem to have a good bit in common with ninjas. Stealthy, swift, intelligent... Anyway, they all do still need capes, but I think I should paint this much of them — and the capes for that matter — first, before the capes go on.

The photos:
Not at all happy with the performance of my point-and-shoot camera for this operation - it was a pain in the tookus to get it to focus right (auto-focus only). I'll need to play around some more to get really good pics of my models once I get some painted. I prefer natural light b/c flash seems to make everything look very, well... unnatural.
Obviously he's not painted yet, but I figured as the first time I actually worked on some models of my own, I should post something!
Front view:

Side view:
