Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy thanksgiving everyone

Monday, November 24, 2008

Team Painting Article

Check out this article I found on the Games Workshop website about Team Painting. It's pretty much exactly what Scott suggested to me. You guys let me know what you think would be the best approach for painting a large number of miniatures. My money is on the assembly line approach, that way you have more consistency with the individual models. But really I think it's up Scott, or whoevers' models we're painting.

Terrain Update

In order to prepare myself for the arrival of my new Citadel Realm of Battle Terrain Boards (!), which should arrive sometime around the 29th, I'm trying to get all the other terrain I have laying around the apartment finished up. If anyone wants to help me by painting up anything, or creating your own pieces, just let me know. I have loads of bits and pieces to help create scenery.

Also, Scott came up with this excellent idea of getting together to do a painting party where we only paint one guys' figures. He said his biggest problem with getting his miniatures painted is... he dislikes painting. I understand that it can be a big chore sometimes, but I think that if we all get together and help out Scott not only would it help him get his guys finished, but it would also help everyone's painting skills and perhaps get everyone excited about painting their OWN guys!

Make sure to have a 500 point army list made for the next time we get together, it'll help everything move along faster. If you need to rules for Warbands, let me know and I'll e-mail them to you.

Now, time for the pictures!Bretonnian/Empire house in progress, with Orc for scale.Another view.
Bretonnian/Empire/Chaos/really whomever watchtower, with firing platform and stables.
Wolves in the stables, noooooooo!!
Staircase, all scratch built!