Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

So... first post of the new year! I really just wanted to make sure of all the facts about our next meeting time: Friday 412-ish, 2000pts., four-way battle royale. Just making sure I got it straight.

Oh, that reminds me. I think we need to step up the quality of the time we spend together. This is my thought: If we going to get together so regularly, and spend as much time as we do on this, then I think we really need to make the time count. Let's try to remember to consciously glorify God. I'm being bold here, but I think that we should open our time in prayer, at the very least. And maybe we could come up with other things we can do as well, maybe bible study-ish (not a long thing, just something to really put our hearts in the right place). I just feel like we really need to refocus in that direction. Four guys, all Christians, meeting together nearly every week, come on, it's a no brainer. If you have other ideas, post away. If you disagree... well... too bad! Bwahahahaha!

That's all for now, see you all soon!
-The Dwarfs of the Eastern Mountains